Not going to plan

I haven’t stuck to my word. I’m hungover today. Back here, I’m the cycle, so I’m getting off the cycle, stepping out of it, stepping away from it, trying to be kind to myself. I have to go out and sing with the rock band tonight, that’s going to be fucking hard. Hopefully I’ll be fine by then. Want to crawl into a hole. I.know. What. I. Have.

Just STOP DRINKING you idiot. It is that simple, I’m not addicted, I binge drink every few weeks,y body doesn’t need it to survive, I can stop cold turkey. So why do I keep allowing myself not to? I’m the only one making these decisions, no one is pressuring me either way, well my partner is starting to actually, he has enough and I don’t blame him, I was horrible to him last night, I can’t even remember what I said but I know we had a big fallout. He slept downstairs.

If there is a god then I would love him to save me, but I know I have to save myself…I really want to. please send positivity my way everyone today I really need it.

Published by Sober Singer

A 30-something year old mum of 3 on a mission to life life alcohol free

4 thoughts on “Not going to plan

  1. Accepting you are addicted might help.
    Addiction isn’t only physical.

    I was a binge drinker. I was stuck in the cycle for a long time. I wish I could show you the relief, freedom and joy that come from sobriety.
    I miss nothing.

    Hugs and love to you

    Liked by 2 people

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