Where am I ?

I’m not quite sure where I am at the moment. Ive been listening to podcasts still, have been doing well, day 70 today, stopped to think a little today and realise that I am seeing old habbits creep in – not with alcohol but with being sneaky…like vaping, or self medicating, things that only I know and I think about doing and now realise it is probably a way of escaping, so yes , I need to address this.

There was a moment last week when I wanted to drink, can’t remember quite when now but it came and went, I know I can get to 100 days, and beyond, but don’t want to substitute with other behaviours, as then eventually down the line even in a year or so I will get bored of that behaviour and think ‘alcohol wasn’t that bad’ and slide back down. I’ve had that thought a few times this week actually. Sometimes listening to the podcasts can be triggering as I tune into the parts talking about the ‘good old days’ and ‘everyone’s doing’ it and forget that I went way past that and that led me to where I am now….

So here I am. Still not exactly sure where this is, but I know I am here.

Published by Sober Singer

A 30-something year old mum of 3 on a mission to life life alcohol free

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