Day 14 has been good for me, so far the last two weeks have been ok (bearing in mind I have done these days soooo many times before that I know the hard times will come but I just know I am armed and able to cope with them now. For me it gets harder further down the line I think…and then I would have a cycle of lots of binge drinking in a short period of time, like say every other night or so for 2/3 weeks and then stop again for a while…so I recognise that that is more my cycle at the moment, and knowing that I am now able to step outside of the cycle and see that it is longer than I thought….so having a few weeks off doesn’t mean Im fine, Im still in the cycle, until I’m much further down the line, Like I can’t rest on my laurels until I’m past 6 months, a year, and I know I will get there now.

Wins over the last few weeks have been –

Celebrating my birthday sober (39)

Not wanting to drink while I spent a week away with my sisters last week in a caravan with dreadful weather! I could have easily passed the time in the bar, spending loads of money, or drinking wine in the vans with my sisters while the kids drove us mad…instead I put the kids first, I was there for them, they wanted to drive somewhere, I could do it, my sister needed nappies at 10pm one night, I drove to get them, no problem. My eldest wanted to go back to van earlier than us all but there was only one key – I was more than happy to walk her back and then go back for the other kids – as I walked her out of the bar I thought to myself I would have never done that if I was drinking, I would not have left the bar, or if I did it would be to buy sneaky wine or vodka to drink on the way there and back so I could have some extra units my sisters didnt know about…..I was proud of that, I put my kids first, not alcohol like I have done so many times in the past.

Published by Sober Singer

A 30-something year old mum of 3 on a mission to life life alcohol free

3 thoughts on “39

  1. That’s awesome!! Your eldest will remember that! I think it’s awesome you’re feeling proud of yourself and doing things you wouldn’t normally do sober. I just went to my first concert sober. It was awesome and I was proud I was there for my eldest, sober. 😊


  2. Happy birthday
    Have you gone to meetings? Maybe they might help you find that way through.
    I try to be willing to try everything once. It has helped me a lot over the years!



  3. Right on! I have many regrets I’m working through in regard to alcohol not allowing me to be the best dad I could have been. I’d give anything to go back and be sober at 39. You get what you focus on. Don’t focus on all the other times. Focus on right now and be your best for yourself and family. You are doing this and I’m proud and happy for you!


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